I’ve been a little absent on Blogger lately. I hope you’ve all been having a great March so far and that the rider’s that follow my blog have been getting better weather and a chance to enjoy some nice riding. I haven’t begun riding again yet but I hope it will not be long now.
Recently our suppliers of scented shavings ran out of them, but had this Bed Soft blend, so we got it. I was very pleased with just how much there is in a bag and it’s really nice as well with no dust.
We had a little snow storm earlier in the month and a lot of rain while the weather has improved greatly it’s still a bit damp. I put Murphy in his Newmarket fleece for a bit while it was cold but sadly couldn’t get a decent photo, which reminds me I never got to use my Newmarket ride-on rug this winter, oh well I am happy with the better weather.
I also recently did fat scoring on all the horses and ponies. For those of you that don’t know what fat scoring is, this is it in basic: You check your horse/pony over in three different sections the front, the middle, and the rear, you score each with a five point system were zero is emaciated and five is obese, you score each separately because equines just like people carry weight in different places so scoring each section gives you an overall idea of your horses weight.
I am happy to say Murphy, Madeline, and Tipper are just about perfect. Niko is a little on the chubby side, oops. And Pip is a little on the skinny side. Both of them aren’t anything to worry about, just not perfect, Niko will probably soon lose the extra fat when he starts working again and Pip is getting plenty of food so I am putting his weight down to the fact that he is young stock and is prone to growth spurts that generally cause weight loss. Here is a
link to a blog with loads of videos about fat scoring.
Also on another note I am very happy because all our equines have been through the winter without even spending seven day’s in all put together. Anyway I think that’s quite enough babbling from me, hope your all having a good March.