Saturday 15 June 2013

Hey I'm Back

Hello everybody it's been quite sometime since my last post, but I find myself looking back through my blog and feeling that I should continue it, so here I am. 

It's probably best if I start with a report on how all our equines are doing, this was going to be the bit were I go into great depth about how they are all doing but to be honest they are nearly always doing the same, they are happy, not working much, eating lots, and generally living the life of Riley.

And here are some shots of them all just so you can hopefully get used to seeing their lovable little faces again.

Here are some reminders of who they are just in case you are new to the blog or honestly just forgot about them.

Above is No Keep, his stable name is Niko but I have a tendency to swap between Booboo and Niko, he does most of the work out of our equines.

Above is Madeline Araxie, stable name well it kind of changes a lot but mostly just Mady she is the only mare in the herd and obviously the boss of the herd too, she doesn't do much work but she helps keep everybody in line.

This is Bold Hawk, stable name Tipper he's a lovely chap not a lot of use yet but he seems to be enjoying his relaxed lifestyle with us, and who knows he may find himself with a job to do soon.

This is Murphy Junior, seen on the left, stable name Murphy he is full of mischief and energy which makes him rather good fun to be around, I am currently hoping to do horse agility with him he's pretty good at what he's done so far.

And this is Bayfields Pippin Lord Derby, and yes I know big name for such a small pony, we normally just call him Pip. He is the only male horse that is still entire in the herd, I did want to have him gelded but that hasn't worked out just yet, still he is mostly a perfect little gentleman with me so I guess I can't ask for more than that.

So there you go that's the lot of our herd big and small I'll be doing a new post soon with more of a subject other than hey I'm back.

Well I hope you have all been happy and healthy in my absence, if I get the time I'll try to stop by your blogs and see what you've been up too.


  1. Welcome back Edward! Many times I have wondered how you were and wondered if we would ever hear from you again. I am thrilled you have decided to get back in to blogging again. It's great to see the horses are doing so well too.

    I know that sometimes it is hard to find things to blog about, but I have found that even a few photos and a few words to say hi, is enough for most.

    Again, it is so good to see you again.

    Have a great weekend. xo

  2. So Happy Am I You Returned!!!
    Ya Know, Sometimes A Blogger Break Is Just What one Needs. We Did Miss You, But Look, Here You Are!

    The Horse Shots Of The Muzzles Was Very Cute. Mady Looked UN

    Glad They Are Fine...And I've A

    I Think Its An English Reference,"Life Of Riley"...Was He A Spy?

  3. A very big thank you all for the comments

    Allhorsestuff, I don't know if Riley was a spy, but the expression living the life of Riley means living a happy and contented life with someone paying to keep you, the original origin of the expression is not certain.

    Hope that helps

    Thanks again everyone.


  4. Glad your back :-) your horses are all so gorgeous.

  5. Hey you're back!!
    Thanks for dropping by & leaving a comment on my blog, otherwise I wouldn't have known!
    You're horses are looking great, Nico looks like he's going really well for you too.
    Well done on being creative with your jumps. I made some really good fillers years ago out of marine ply. You get two two foot high, eight foot wide fillers out of each sheet of ply and you can paint them up any way you want - fake bricks, polka dots, zigzags etc. I attached each filler to a longer plank so it made a fairly wide jump - ie so it matched the poles we had.
