Sunday 10 June 2012

Oil and Horses

We all know how good oil can be for our horse’s coats and overall condition, hence the reason a wide range of horse feeds contain high oil and why some horse owners choose to add oil straight into their horses feed. But feeding oils is not the only use for them, I recently noticed that some of the horses mouths were looking a little dry, having read some of Xenophon’s writings I was interested to see that he suggested the use of oil on the horses mouth, I felt that our horses and ponies wound benefit from it.

So as you can see here I’ve applied olive oil to Niko’s mouth, this can be beneficial in many ways it helps keep the skin moisturized and soft, nobody likes dry skin and horses are no different. The oils can also help one with improving their horse for riding by softening the mouth making it more comfortable for the horse and more responsive to the rider, a win win I would say. I now apply oil to all of the horses and ponies mouths, and I feel they’ve benefited greatly from it.   

Not only is applying oil to your horses mouth great for them and good for your riding, some horses or ponies will enjoy having it put on, Niko, Pip, and Murphy seem to really rather like it, the others not so much.

But all in all I am happy we tried this, it really has benefited our equines.


Sherri B. said...

This is a good bit of information for the horse people..I'm sure it will be appreciated all around.

Once again, it is good to see you back! xo

Miranda said...

I am going to have to try this on Pippi and Chance. Tho I wonder if it will make Pippi burn more then she already does. I think I will have to wait for cloudy rainy days so she doesn't burn more. Thanks for the idea.

Laura said...

That sounds good, my horse sometimes gets skin that peels off around the corners of his mouth so I put Vaseline on it. Oil might be a good alternative!

trump said...

I think I could use some on my face, so dry! Richard

allhorsestuff said...

I will have to try that with Olive Oil. I did try with a calm coat oil...but my mare is so sensitive, her skin peeled off! I did LOVE the darker effect on the muzzle.

NIKO he is sooo handsome!

Margaret said...

Niko certainly looks nice! And Oberon is pretty much an easy keeper.. no fly masks, no ear masks, not much hoof lotion, I don't even need to use much spray... but I will keep an eye out and we will see. Interesting info.

Now watch me have jinxed myself... ;)