Tuesday 11 October 2011

Photos That Were Nearly Left Behind - Invitation

A while back I did a post showing some of the photographs that I had taken but nearly didn’t use on my Blog. I received a comment from my follower allhorsestuff suggesting I start a meme N.L.B.P (Nearly left behind photographs) so here are some more of my photos that nearly didn’t go on the blog.

If you like the idea of sharing some of your photos that were nearly left behind then why not join in. Simply do a post with a selection of your photographs, three as the minimum, stop by to let me know you have done so and I’ll post links to all the blogs that are taking part. Feel free to ask your readers if they would like to join in as well and I’ll link to them too.

Hope you enjoyed my photos and I hope to see some of your nearly left behind photos soon.


Daisy said...

Oh my goodness! These are awesome photos!!!! They could each hold their own caption contest!!
I would love to join in, but I just don't think I have such fun photos in my cache of unused ones. Honestly, my unused ones are pretty boring - like a horse walking away or the fence cuz a horse walked out of the frame.
Face it my friend Edward - you are a great Photographer! Even your "unused" photos are spectacular!!

Edward said...

Thanks for stopping by, you need not worry about boring, any photo will do and feel free to caption the photos if you like to make them more interesting.

Sherri B. said...

I like all of these photos and am glad you decided to share. I'm not sure I will be showing my rejects..they're pretty bad! Haha.

Unknown said...

Very nice! As with the others, most of my photos are boring, have half a horse in them, or are blurry. Then they get deleted. But I might just save some from now on!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a fun idea, I will see what pics I can dig out of my girls, although I don't think they will be as good as yours. Hannah :)

RDA Pony Tales said...

Edward! your pictures are by far better than any of my rejects. I have taken no new photos lately and have had to resort to posting an advert from google for my latest post! Of course I think sweet little Pip is my favourite picture from the one's shown here, but, they are all brilliant :)

AC Quigley said...

I love these photos! And I'm pleased that you decided to post them. I'm going to have a look and see if I have any photos that fall into the 'nearly left behind' category!

Ruth said...

They are gorgeous photos. It's such a great idea.

Margaret said...

How fun! I think this is a fun idea. You should try a "linky" and people can easy-peasey link on your post. I would suggest that you do it on the same day per week or day per month. I can't do it this week, but I will keep an eye out for when you will be doing it next!

allhorsestuff said...

Awe, that's just great Edward! Loved all of those. There is a gal that does this weekly too( but not just equines). Kim @ frogpondsrock blog. She calls hers " Sunday Selections". The idea a a certain day does appeal, as one may schedule the post in advance .


I've been out of sorts and am trying to catch up , not up to posting yet~

Jennifer MacNeill said...

That's a great idea, wonderful photos too! Glad to have found your blog today:)