Monday 28 November 2011

A HayNet Pick of the Week

Some of you other horsey bloggers out there will probably know of HayNet, but for those of you that don’t it is, in it’s own words, an equine social blogging network. You can put links up to your blog posts or even run another blog from it.

Anyways now that you’ve got a rough idea of what Hay-Net is I was simply going to say that my Mud and Mishaps post has been chosen as a HayNet pick of the week blog post, so I am quite happy with that.

If you aren’t already a member of a HayNet and would like to become one here is a link to the HayNet website.

Sorry about all old photos I haven’t been taking any lately, so I thought I’d just take a look though what I did have.


Unknown said...

Congrats!! Well deserved!

Equine Mum said...

Big thanks! :0)

jane augenstein said...

Edward, congratulations!!! I haven't been on HayNet much of late but I am signed up. I've been trying to stay in the sewing room making pads!

Sherri B. said...

Wow, congratulations on that! You are really having some great exposure and nice compliments, good for you! So nice to see you having so much fun with all of this! - Have a great week!

Ruth said...

Congrats. btw- i love the last photo :)

RDA Pony Tales said...

I have not heard of HayNet but thanks for the link. Great that you got chosen for Pick of the week.... well done!
Your parcel has been sent so you will receive it soon.
Regards, Abby

equine clothing said...

I have just heard about haynet and they are quite a good resource for equine people, the community is good with lots of great advice. the pic of the week is really funny.

Edward said...

As always thank you all for your kind comments

Achieve1dream said...

Congrats on getting chosen! I thought that was a great post too.

No worried about the pictures. I do that all the time if I don't have any new pictures to post because it just looks empty without a picture or two. :)

I didn't know about Haynet. Thanks for sharing. I'll go check it out.