Saturday 16 April 2011

It’s Time to Go!

We have finally got all the electric fencing up, we had to go with three cords because of Murphy being so small and the others being so big. We haven’t got all the land fenced yet but we have two of three paddocks fenced off, still got the biggest paddock to do.

Then obviously we had to get it electrified which was harder then I thought it would be, as we did not really know what we where doing and the instructions had no writing just lots of pictures, and the crocodile clips didn’t fit so they had to be cut so they could open wider.

But we finally got it ready to have Pip in it, poor Pip learnt not to touch the fence the hard way, but I don’t think he will be doing that again, still he knows now, and then it was time to go get the others.

Murphy went first then Madeline and finally Niko, and as you can see they are enjoying having some grass, for now anyway I can’t see it lasting them but at least we will be able to move them into a different paddock when it runs out, which we could not do at the yard we have just left.

Anyway I am really talking too much, so I’m very happy that we’ve moved. And thank you all for your comments on my last post.

Abby, let me know what you think of Seabiscuit some time.

Sherri, my finger seems to be on the mend I have nearly finished my antibiotic course.


RDA Pony Tales said...

It all looks like a great set up you have there. The fence will work well and you have some nice spring grass to keep them going... happy horses (and pony!), so nice to see.
I will let you know when I have seen Seabiscuit and I am so glad your finger is on the mend.
Have a great weekend, Abby

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

hi there i just found you! i have a two horses but we use four board fencing. i look forward in following you and seeing your ponies!

Sherri B. said...

I am so happy that the horses have moved to their new place. So good that your finger is coming along well. Have a good rest of the weekend.

allhorsestuff said...

I was wondering...will you have problems with pip and the Grasses?