Friday 18 November 2011

Back On Blogger

Hello everyone as some of you may have noticed I have been off Blogger for sometime, in that time I’ve had my 18th birthday and been doing I lot of riding. Anyway on to the blogging but one more thing I’d like to say thanks to Abby for the happy birthday comment.

So here is the post I said I was going to do about my riding and Niko and I. Here’s a photo that was taken just earlier today, as normal I have a odd look on my face but I am really not bothered about that, as you may be able to see I am not wearing spurs, to me he looks like he is going quite well and just as well as he goes when I am wearing spurs.

I haven’t really got any good photos of me riding him in spurs for you to compare with the photos of me without spurs, but enough about the spurs. I’ve found I am having trouble with my legs so I have a question for any of you horsey experts out there, how do I keep my legs wrapped around the horse and my toes in, anyone got some tips?

Now that’s quite enough of my whingeing I could go on for days, but all in all I guess my riding has improved and Niko is going really well for me. I am so pleased with him. Niko is slowly starting to get a bit more of a shape to him with all the work he has been doing in a good outline, he still has a lot to build up. Also it may not seem like it but his mane has grown quite a lot too which I am happy about, I would like to let it grow long and then I’ll decide if I am going to do something with it after winter.

Well I think that’s plenty of rambling for one day I hope to be doing some more blogging soon and hopefully my posts will be a bit more organized.


jane augenstein said...

Well, first of all.....
I am afraid I can't help you with your leg question. You look good riding Niko in all the pictures to me.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!

Sherri B. said...

A Big Happy 18th Birthday!! I didn't know about it, I must have missed have missed a post, so sorry! - How great that you are that Niko is doing so well and that your riding is good too. Have a great weekend!

Chris said...

Happy Birthday!!
As for toes in the only thing I can say is what my coach told me and that's pretty much at one (or several) spots around the ring think about where your toes and try to always think "toes in", sorry if thats not very helpfull!

allhorsestuff said...

You and Niko look awesome Edward!

I've been out blogging too...busy, plus riding, plus my computer is on the fritz. Ugg.

Well, your legs look pretty good to me, with weight in your heals. If your toes are turning out, my first thought would be a problem I've had before with too much pressure being exerted asking for forward . Think about using your inside upper calf.
A cool thing my sister taught me that always keeps the ankle flexible and may help with this too is>
Practice playing the piano with your toes. Yea you read that right! As you sit phase of posting trot, gently lift your toes off the stirrups -sometimes. It greatly increases your ankle flexibility and lengthens your leg.

Doesn't 18 feel liberating! Happiest of birthdays to you!

Jooles said...

You and Niko look great to me!

RDA Pony Tales said...

Thanks for the mention Edward, and I hope you had a really great Birthday.
I do not think you have an odd look on your face at all! I would say it is more a look of concentration :) And you have Niko going very nicely in the pictures too. As for keeping toes in, I think riding without stirrups for part of your riding sessions will help. If you point your toes out without feet in stirrups then you lose your balance, and as KK commented it also will help with keeping the ankle flexible and leg long. Once you take your stirrups back after doing this you should notice a difference.
I can see a huge improvement in your riding position from pictures on earlier posts. There is so much to take in when having to work on your own riding position and school the horse at the same time. You ARE doing really well Edward... well done! Abby

Sand. said...

: ) HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a little belated!).

Looks like you're both having a great time on the riding/training! I won't comment on keeping your toes right foot is ALWAYS tilting out! If you figure it out, lemme know ; )

Ruth said...

Happy (late) Birthday :)!!

Achieve1dream said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

My trainer helped me with the toes pointing forward thing by having me lift my leg off the horse, grab my thigh and pull it backwards. That puts the inside of the thigh on the horse and helps keep the leg pointing forward. I hope that makes sense lol. It comes from all the way up at the hips, not just the knee down or just the toe.

I think you two look great. You're coming along nicely. And Niko is beautiful. :)

RDA Pony Tales said...

Hi Edward
Thanks for your comments, and yes, I will not be having any more gin before setting foot on stage!
I really wanted to be a professional show jumper, but getting sponsorship was difficult and as you can imagine the money involved was huge. I then started on my BHSAI qualification and ended up enjoying dressage competitions more, although I also rode in hunter trials and eventing too. Today, I enjoy dressage most, and as I am now older feel it is the safer option too! ;)
Only three readers asked for the horse pack in my giveaway. KK came out first and your name second. As you have just celebrated your 18th birthday, I have a 'second place' horsey prize for you. If you email me your address I will send it to you.
Hope all the horses/ponies are well.
Kind Regards, Abby

Edward said...

Thank you all ever so much for all the happy birthdays and thanks for the advice too, it’s proven rather handy :)

AC Quigley said...

Happy (very belated) birthday Edward!
The photos look good and you're position looks much more relaxed. Try to keep your weight in your heels to keep your legs long and try and see if you are 'gripping' the saddle with your knees. This sometimes causes the toes to turn outwards. Keep your legs relaxed and long and don't worry if it doesn't work immediately - as with all things horsey related, it takes time and patience!

Edward said...

Andrea, thanks for the happy birthday, however late it is always appreciated and thank you for the advice it’s quite nice to get advice from a dressage judge to be thanks.

Margaret said...

Afraid I can't help you much on form as I'm trying to figure it all out as well. You and your horse both look great to me! Happy 18th!

Edward said...

Margaret, thanks for the happy birthday, is there a chance of us seeing your riding, in one of your posts?

Paul said...

Good Equine, The riding clothes merely complete you to demonstrate that you're a perfect rider.