Saturday 9 April 2011

Back to Work

Here is Niko just after work, I am having a great time working Niko at the moment as he is really trying he’s hardest for me. Back at one of the livery yards we used to keep our horses at Niko would always tank off with me when I asked him to canter, but now he is being calm and collected he’s even going on the bit for me while cantering.

Ah yes Madeline she is also trying really hard, but she is very easily distracted, still she is getting better and better at focusing on her work, she also does not spook as easily as Niko and when she does she is a lot easier to control.

Little Murphy has had his tail washed I think it looks very nice, now all I have to do is get the rest of him washed, I only washed he’s tail because we had not taken any towels to dry him with and I did not want him getting dirty again, so I blow dried his tail by working him.

Thank you all for your comments on my last post.

Abby, yes well when she stepped on my foot she didn’t put a lot of pressure on, after I took the photo she put her full weight on, I had a hoof imprint on boot for the rest of the day.


Sherri B. said...

I love how you blew the tail dry by working him! Pretty smart at getting two things done at the same time.

RDA Pony Tales said...

Looks like you have had a lovely sunny day for riding and tail drying too! All your hard work sounds like it is paying off with Niko, it does take time but it is great when your horse starts responding to you. Do you ride Madeline too? Abby