Thursday 29 September 2011

I Have Returned

Hello to all my fellow Bloggers and viewers, first off a very big thank you to all my commenters and thanks for all the advise. Also to put your minds' at rest I have been quite well thank you, the reason for my absence was simply I was distracted by other matters. I have been on blogger and I have been reading some of your posts but did not find the time to comment sorry, must try harder.

Right so lots has been going on, mostly riding. This photo is of Niko and for those of you that don’t know he is on the bit. For those of you that do know and think it looks a bit messy, I am aware, my instructor says we might need to use a flash just to stop Niko’s bottom jaw from flapping, not to hold his mouth closed. Oh and those are my hands holding the reins, so I am very happy that I finally got him on the bit.

Also Madeline has had a bit of schooling with my riding instructor, Madeline tried really hard to do the what she was asked and did really quite well. My instructor says Madeline is very unbalanced and needs lots of work in walk and very slowly build her up to rising trot, my instructor has given me advice on how to go about schooling her.

So everything is going pretty well, thanks again to you all.


Sand. said...

Phew! So glad to hear your healthy and riding! Have been checking for your posts, and with them not there, the blog world was a little lonelier!

Welcome back and Niko looks great!

Sherri B. said...

I was a bit worried as your last post found you a bit glad to hear that you are fine!

RDA Pony Tales said...

Hello Edward, glad you are back, I missed your posts!
I love the first picture, it made me smile :) It is great to see that you have got Niko on the bit, and I agree that it is worth trying a flash noseband. Sounds like you are going to be busy with Madeline too, and of course you have the others to look after also. Hope they are all doing well.
Thanks for your comments, I am glad you liked the sheep :)

allhorsestuff said...

Good news Edward, glad you are just like the best of us and simply distracted, with mostly riding. Love that!

Me too, as it is "second spring" in Oregon, terminology mine. I'm getting ready for my first lesson in quite some, time myself.
Happy that Niko is responding to your aides for forward- on the bit. Sometimes they can be fussy ad they assimulate it all. Mine thinks with her lower lip.
Glad Madeline is getting her time in too!
Stay well,

Mary said...

Today was the day I was going to inquire as to how you were if you didn't post and lo and behold here you are! I imagine all that riding has given you and Niko plenty to think about. I am pleased all is well. I haven't writen a story in a while either. The weather has been too nice, like Allhorsestuff said. (we live fairly close to each other, climate wise)

It has taken me forever to write this comment, Fred's making it difficult. He's hogging my lap :-)

Edward said...

Thank you all very much for your kind comments.

Sand, I think next time I need to let you all know when I am going to pop off the face of blogger for sometime, and thanks glad you think Niko looks good.

Sherri, yes it probably wasn’t the best time to go, but I was not discouraged for long as the next day my instructor answered all the questions, now I just need to work on getting him on the bit every time I ride.

Abby, glad you liked the first photo, I had been trying to get a photo of Tipper that showed his white lip that I was happy with. Nice to know you too think a flash would be worth trying I’ll definitely have to give it a go and see how Niko gets on with it, and yes every one else is doing well. I have more on Tipper that I will be putting in to a post sometime quite soon.

KK, good to hear you are having some nice riding weather where you are, it’s just started to get a bit too hot for riding where I am but I don’t think it will last too long or at least I hope it won’t. Good luck with your lesson I am sure all will go very well.

Mary, good to hear you too are having nice weather, and thanks for persisting and managing to leave a comment even with Fred making it hard. I know just how hard animals can make it, we have a Jack Russell that will just keep wiggling when it is on some one’s lap, and yes all the riding has given us plenty to think about and lots to work towards.

Margaret said...

Well, we rides must take advantage of this perfect fall weather! :) Take lots of pictures and we can then review them on those cold blustery days! Your horses look beautiful!