All the riding us equestrians do is bound to have an affect on our tack, and not necessarily a good one sadly, yes I am of course talking about dirty tack and as you can see my tack is just that.
After a hard day of work our horses and ponies are happy to sit back share a drink and relax, but sadly no such luck for us we get the job as responsible equestrians of making sure to keep our tack in good condition, with sadly means cleaning it.

Recently I used the Chestfields Equine Product Multi Purpose ,I did not use it on my saddle as I want to take a while over cleaning that to try and get it looking nice, but I did use it on Murphy’s leather headcollar and I am happy to say it worked a treat. I was very happy with how quick it was to get the dirt off, I then used saddle soap as normal, and it all worked very nicely.
Recently I used the Chestfields Equine Product Multi Purpose ,I did not use it on my saddle as I want to take a while over cleaning that to try and get it looking nice, but I did use it on Murphy’s leather headcollar and I am happy to say it worked a treat. I was very happy with how quick it was to get the dirt off, I then used saddle soap as normal, and it all worked very nicely.
But then I have this great lump of leather to clean, not a lot of fun, I really like cleaning smaller stuff like headcollars and bridles, but then when it come to the saddle it is not so nice I really hate trying to clean my saddle but that is my next task and I must get it done soon, I am hoping that Chestfields Multi Purpose Product will help a lot but only time will tell.
I agree that the larger cleaning projects are the least popular in my book too..Good luck!
I've been riding for 25 years, and still love cleaning my tack! I do it at least once a week, if not twice, once to oil and once to soap. When I was young, cleaning tack meant I had a horse, and it was all part of the experience. I am the other way round to you, I like doing my saddle, rather than all the fiddly bits on the bridle. Years ago saddle soap used to be a thick creamy product that you could see was doing your leather good. I've tried loads of products in recent years and they all seem very cheap and 'thin' which is why I've started oiling my tack instead.
ok i have a plan clean my bridles, and i will clean your saddles! i will be cleaning my tack tomorrow, i must admit i don't do as as often as i should!
Thank you all for your comments.
Sherri, yep the smaller the better, thanks.
Autumn Mist, glad you enjoy cleaning your tack. The saddle soap I use is quite thick I don’t know what make it is, I got it from our local tack shop, I have not yet tried oil must try it sometime.
Kritter Keeper, yes I too don’t do it as much as I should, I would love to try your plan but sadly I think it would cost us quite a lot posting tack to one another so often:) .
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